As concerned citizens of this Great State, we feel that it is our duty to bring an urgent matter to your attention. The rights of Arkansas citizens and families are under attack! For several years, our State General Assembly has continued to make attempts to pass "tort reform." Once again, they have filed SJR8, which seeks to amend the Arkansas Constitution and place arbitrary limits on damages sought by those injured by the negligence of others. This effectively strips away our 7th amendment right to trial by jury, one of the purest forms of our democracy. We have attached some important notes so that you have the correct facts about this proposed legislation.
By clicking the link below you will have the opportunity to send a message to your representative not to support SJR8 andto keep the Arkansas Constitution safe:
By following this link, you will not be signing up for any mass emails or further communication. You will simply be making your opinion known. It takes less than a minute and really makes a difference.
Thank you for your support, and feel free to contact us if you have any question or are ever in need of our assistance.